Most Believe Kinder
Morgan Pipeline will have a Positive Economic Effect, But a Negative
Environmental One
Toronto, March 3rd
– In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,061
British Columbia voters, the plurality believes the pipeline expansion will
have a positive economic effect (43%), with (25%) saying it will have a
negative effect, and (21%) believing its effect will be neutral. A further
(12%) did not have an opinion.
When it comes to the
potential environmental impact of the pipeline expansion, the half believe it
will have a negative impact on the environment of the province (50%). Only
(12%) say its effect will benefit the environment and (27%) believe its effect
will be neutral. (11%) reported they didn’t know what the environmental effects
would be.
It's the economy
The opinion that the pipeline expansion will
benefit the economy is most likely held by those aged 65 and over (54%), males
(50%), the most wealthy (54%), and Liberal (66%) supporters.
The opinion that the pipeline expansion will
detract from the economy is most likely held by those aged 34 or less (29%),
the least wealthy (36%), those earning between $40,000-$60,000 (39%), and Green
Party (41%) supporters.
Environmental damage expected
Respondents likely to believe that the
pipeline expansion will have a negative effect on the environment include those
aged 35-44 (60%), females (57%), the least wealthy (59%), those earning
$40,000-$60,000 (61%), and Green Party (72%) supporters.
Those who believe the pipeline expansion
will have a positive effect on the environment are male (14%), and Liberal
(21%) or Conservative (19%) supporters.
“It’s not a surprise
that most believe the Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion will have a positive economic
effect but a negative environmental one. Balancing enhancing the economy versus
the protecting the environment on projects of this scope is so often the most
challenging part,” said Dr. Lorne Bozinoff, President of Forum Research.
Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D.
is the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416) 960-9603.