Two-Thirds Support Move To Fixed Elections in Nova Scotia

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Two-Thirds Support Move To Fixed Elections in Nova Scotia

More than half agree with the decision to call an election

Toronto, May 8th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1042 Nova Scotia voters, two-thirds (65%) say the new government of Nova Scotia should develop fixed election dates for future campaigns. Just over 2-in-10 (21%) say no, the new government should not develop fixed election dates, with (14%) saying they do not know.

Respondents most likely to say that the new government should develop fixed dates for future elections include the most wealthy (72%), those with a post-graduate degree (70%), living in Halifax (65%), on the South Shore (66%), or North End (65%), and supporting the PCs (73%) or NDP (70%).

Respondents most likely to say that the new government should not develop fixed dates for future elections include those aged 34 and younger (25%), 45-54 (22%), 55-64 (23%), the least wealthy (23%), or earning $40,000-$60,000 (26%), $60,000-$80,000 (25%), $80,000-$100,000 (24%), with some college/university (25%) or a college/university degree (23%), and supporting the Liberals (29%).

Now is the right time for an election: more than half of voters

More than 5-in-10 (54%) of voters say now is the right time for an election. A third (31%) say no, it isn’t the right time, with (15%) saying they do not know.

Respondents most likely to say that now is the right time for an election include those aged 34 and younger (58%) or 45-54 (56%), earning $20,000-$40,000 (58%), $40,000-$60,000 (58%), and the most wealthy (59%), with some college/university (58%) or a post-graduate degree (57%), and supporting the PCs (65%).

Respondents most likely to say that now is not the right time for an election include those aged 35-44 (38%), the least wealthy (41%), with a college/university degree (37%), living on South Shore (35%) and supporting the Liberals (39%).

"The appetite for an election was strong, with the majority supporting the election call. Perhaps more interesting is that almost two-thirds of voters think it’s time for Nova Scotia to get fixed elections dates, as currently it’s the only province that doesn’t have them,” said Dr. Lorne Bozinoff, President of Forum Research. 

Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D. is the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416) 960-9603.