Majority government in the cards
TORONTO MAY 20th, 2014 - In a random
sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1136 Ontario voters
on the evening after the May long weekend, just more than 4-in-10 will vote
Liberal (41%), compared to one third who will vote Progressive Conservative
(34%). This represents a widening of the lead for the Liberals since we polled
last week (May 13 - Liberals 38%, PCs 35%). The NDP are supported by one fifth
of voters (20%), and few will vote Green (4%) or for any other party (1%). The
Liberal vote is common to females (46%), mid income groups ($60K to $80K - 48%)
and the Toronto 416 area code (51%). The PC vote is characteristic of the
oldest (40%), males (40%), lower income groups ($20K to $40K - 42%) and in
eastern Ontario (41%). The New Democrat vote is common to Generation Y (35 to
44 - 29%), the least wealthy (34%) and in southwestern (26%) and northern
Ontario (47%). Of note, one third of past New Democrats will vote Liberal this
time (32%), while one tenth of past Liberals will vote PC (13%) or NDP (11%)
this time.

Wide Liberal majority seen
If these results are
projected up to seats in a 107 seat Legislature, the Liberals would take an 8
seat majority of 63 seats, to 31 for the PCs. The NDP would take just 13 seats.

Liberals are second choice of New Democrats
Among NDP voters, 4-in-10
would pick the Liberals second (40%), while more than half of Liberal voters
would pick the NDP second (57%). Few would select the PCs second (17% and 11%,
respectively). The Green Party is a popular second choice for New Democrats, as
it is for PCs (24% each).
Leaders' favourables stable, Wynne most popular
Kathleen Wynne has the
approval of close to 4-in-10 (38%) and this is stable since last week (38%).
Her net favourable rating (approve minus disapprove) is -8, up from -12 last
week. Andrea Horwath has the approval of just more than a third, this week and
last (35% each), and her net is -5, up slightly from -8 last week. Tim Hudak has
approval from one quarter (25%, from 23% last week), and his net is an abysmal
-34, similar to the -36 registered last week.

Kathleen Wynne increases her lead as best Premier
Just more than one third now
thinks Kathleen Wynne will make the best Premier (34%, up slightly from 32%
last week and 28% the week before), while fewer than a quarter pick Tim Hudak
in this role (22%, stable from last week) and even fewer pick Andrea Horwath
(17%, up slightly from 15%). Close to one fifth think none is right for the job
(17%), and one tenth don't have an opinion (10%).

May Long Weekend gives voters time to reflect
may be that the May long weekend gave Ontario families a chance to meet and
reflect on the upcoming election, firming up their intentions while they talked.
There certainly appears to be a new wind in Kathleen Wynne's sails,"
said Forum Research President, Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D. is the president and
founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416) 960-9603.