Conservatives, Albertans, Atlantic
Canadians, males most common deniers
2014 – In
a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1624
Canadians 18 years of age and older, the vast majority (81%) believe the
climate is changing, while just more than one tenth deny this (13%). Very few
have no opinion (6%). Denial is most common to Gen X (45 to 54 - 18%), males
(17%), mid-income groups ($40K to $60K - 18%), Atlantic Canada (19%), Alberta
(20%), Conservative voters (29%), the least educated (17%) and Evangelical
Christians (32%).

Phrase "Climate Change"
slightly preferred to "Global Warming"
The term "Climate Change" is preferred slightly to
the phrase "Global Warming" (50% to 44%), and few choose some other
term (4%) or don't have an opinion (1%)." Climate Change" (the term
used by experts) is preferred mostly by younger groups (35 to 44 - 56%), males
(57%), wealthier groups ($80K to $100K - 62%), in the prairies (66%) and Alberta
(58%), among Conservative supporters (64%), the best educated (post grad - 56%)
and Evangelical Christians (67%).

Majority of acceptors believe climate
change caused by man
The majority of those who believe climate change is
occurring believe it is caused by human activity (58%), whereas fewer than one
fifth think it is a natural phenomenon (17%). One quarter think it is both
(24%). Belief climate change is naturally occurring is characteristic of the
oldest (22%), males (20%), lower income groups (less than $40K - 21%), Alberta
(25%), Conservative voters (33%), Protestant (24%) and Evangelical Christians
(26%) and non-Christians (23%).

Split opinion on whether climate change
can be reversed
Just more say climate change can be reversed (42%) than say
it cannot (38%), while one fifth don't know if it can or not (19%). Belief
climate change is reversible is common to Boomers (55 to 64 - 51%), mid-income
groups ($40K to $80K - 46%), Ontario (47%) but not Alberta (25%), among
Liberals (47%), the best educated (post grad - 49%), Protestant Christians
(46%) and Catholics (47%) and among those with children (46%).

Plurality agree climate change is
serious but can be reversed
Respondents were presented with a range of statements about
climate change and asked which best fit their opinion. The plurality, about one
third, select "climate change is serious, but can be reversed if we act
now" (35%), followed by "climate change is the most serious problem
facing mankind" (25%). One fifth take a more sanguine view, agreeing
"climate has been changing back and forth for thousands of years"
(21%). Few indeed agree that they don't worry too much about climate change
(6%), that it is an act of God (4%), or, especially, as some have said, that
climate change will have the benefit of opening up more land to cultivation
(1%). Conservative voters are especially likely to say the climate has been
changing for thousands of years (36%), while Evangelical Christians are the
most likely to say it is an act of God (14%).

“It is especially unfortunate that climate change, a very
real and urgent problem which will yield only to rational discussion and
cooperative action, has become hijacked by ideology, the point where one's
political passions outweigh the need to work together to save the planet on
which we live," said
Forum Research President, Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D. is
the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416) 960-9603.