Set to win slim majority
2014 - In a
random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1054 Ontario
voters on the night before the provincial election, more than 4-in-10 voters
will support the Liberals (41%), compared to just more than a third who will
support the PCs (35%), and this has not changed since we last polled (June 9,
Liberals - 42%, PCs - 35%). The NDP will take one fifth of the vote (20%), few
will vote Green (3%) or for other parties (1%) and these results have not
changed since the last poll.
The Liberal
vote is common to younger groups (35 to 44 - 45%), females (45%), the
wealthiest (47%) in the Toronto 416 area code (53%). PC support is
characterized by the oldest (41%), males (43%), in mid income brackets ($40K to
$60K - 43%) and in Southwestern Ontario (42%). The NDP's support is highest
among younger groups (35 to 44 - 24%), females (24%), the least wealthy (34%)
in Southwestern and Northern Ontario (24% each).
Notably, one
third of those who voted NDP in the provincial election in 2011 will vote
Liberal this time around (32%), and just more than half will vote NDP again

Liberal majority seen
If these results are
projected up to seats in a 107 seat Legislature, the Liberals would take a two
seat majority of 57 (stable from 57 last week), while the PCs would capture 37
(down from 39). The NDP would take just 13 seats.

Kathleen Wynne continues to lead as best
More than a third consider
Kathleen Wynne the best choice for Premier (37%), similar to the last time we
polled (39%). In comparison, just more than a quarter select Tim Hudak (26%,
down slightly from 29%). One fifth opt for Andrea Horwath on this measure (18%,
well up from 12% last time).

“This has been a very tight race between the Liberals and the
official opposition, but it appears to be shaking out in the Grits' favour.
They have an opportunity to form a majority government if these results hold up
tomorrow," said Forum Research President,
Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
Bozinoff, Ph.D. is the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be
reached at or at (416)