Leading Candidates Now Tied
TORONTO JULY 21th, 2014 – In
a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1063 Toronto
voters, roughly equal proportions will vote for each of the three leading
candidates in the full five-way Toronto mayoral race, whereas Olivia Chow
prevails when only the main contenders run. Meanwhile, John Tory has a solid
lead in candidate approval.

Leading Candidates Tie Vote
In the five way match-up, considering
the five main contenders, Chow (29%), Tory (28%) and Ford (27%) all draw equal
levels of support, while Karen Stintz (6%) and David Soknacki (5%) are not
serious contenders. Very few have no opinion in this race (4%) or would vote
for some other candidate (1%). The Ford voter is younger, has a lower income,
lives in Scarborough or Etobicoke/York and is a provincial PC voter. The Chow
supporter is younger, lower income, lives in the downtown and is a provincial
NDP supporter. The Tory voter is oldest, wealthier, lives in Etobicoke/York or
North York and votes Liberal provincially.
When just the three leading candidates
are tested, Olivia Chow prevails (35%) against John Tory (32%) and Rob Ford
(27%). Few choose someone else (2%) or are unsure (3%).

Tory Has Highest Approvals
Among those aware of him (93%), John
Tory enjoys the approval of two thirds (67%), compared to just more than half
for Chow (54% approval out of 96% awareness). Karen Stintz (44% approval) and
David Soknacki (48%) have approval levels just below Chow's, but they are less
well-known (85% and 66% awareness, respectively). Rob Ford, on the other hand,
has the approval of just one third (33%). Since we last polled (July 2), Tory's
approvals have increased (from 63%), Chow's have declined (from 57%). Approvals
for Stintz, Soknacki and Ford are generally stable.

Ford Nation Stabilizes
Just less than three-in-ten will vote
for Ford with no other candidates named (28%), and this is considered the
measure of "Ford Nation", which stood at one quarter (25%) last
month. Ford nation comprises the youngest (35%), males (34%), the least wealthy
(44%), in Scarborough (38%), the least educated (42%), provincial PC voters (46%)
and those of Caribbean ethnic background (59% - caution, small base size).

6-In-10 Call for Ford to Resign
Just less than 6-in-10 voters think
Rob Ford should resign (59%) and this is down slightly from the beginning of
the month (62%).

"It appears that Rob Ford is not
going away anytime soon, but neither has he been able to maintain his pre-rehab
levels of popularity, even among the demographic groups we know are sympathetic
to him. John Tory, once a second place contestant, is now in the front ranks,
but it appears advantage is still to Chow," said Forum Research President,
Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
Lorne Bozinoff,
Ph.D. is the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at lbozinoff@forumresearch.com or at (416)