Switzerland safest, Great Britain most historic, US most
16th, 2014 - In
a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1581
Canadians 18 years of age and older, Australia posted the highest favourable
score (86%) and an extremely high net favourable score (favourable minus
unfavourable) of +78 when respondents were presented with a list of 10 OECD
countries. Australia is followed closely by Switzerland (85% favourable, net
+79) and Sweden (84%, +79).
these leading nations come Great Britain (79%, +66), Germany (74%, +46), Italy
(67% favourable, +48 net), France (64%, +46) and the US (60%, +28). Favourable
opinions of Greece (49%, +14) and, especially, Israel (37% favourable, net
score -12) were lowest.

US seen as most entrepreneurial, best lifestyle, Switzerland
asked which country best embodies a series of attributes, the US wins
convincingly on entrepreneurial spirit (41%), followed by Germany (21%) and
Sweden (10%). Switzerland is widely seen as the safest and most secure country
listed (28%), followed by the US (18%) and Sweden (17%). Great Britain (30%)
edges France (20%) and Italy (19%) for history and culture, while Italy (21%) narrowly
leads several countries in tourism, including the US (19%), France (17%) and
Australia (16%). The US wins for dynamic lifestyle (23%), followed by Australia
(18%) and Sweden, of all countries (14%).

"Australia is clearly
"the Fortunate Land" in Canadian eyes, it is seen in the most
favourable light of some the leading OECD countries, and it is at an advantage
for its lifestyle and tourism. It is interesting our closest neighbour and
largest trading partner places no higher than eighth on a list of ten friendly
nations," said Forum
Research President, Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D. is
the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at lbozinoff@forumresearch.com or at (416) 960-9603.