Canadians support Hillary Clinton in US presidential race

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Canadians support Hillary Clinton in US presidential race

Kasich preferred among Republican candidates

TORONTO April 6th, 2016 - In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1455 Canadian voters, one quarter say Gov. John Kasich of Ohio would make the best Republican candidate for president (24%), and he is followed by Canadian-born, Texas Senator Ted Cruz (20%) with reality TV star Donald Trump bringing up the rear with about one seventh (15%). Trump (26%) and Cruz (25%) are equally likely to be preferred by Canadian Conservatives, while Liberals opt for Kasich (29%), followed by Cruz (20%). New Democrats strongly prefer Kasich in this regard (29%).

Hillary leads among Democratic candidates

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is clearly preferred as the Democratic candidate (44%) to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (38%). The youngest Canadian voters, however, clearly support Sanders (51%) over Mrs Clinton (31%), while the situation is reversed with respect to the oldest Canadian voters (Clinton - 53%, Sanders - 26%). Canadian Conservatives are relatively equally likely to prefer Clinton (39%) or Sanders (35%), Liberals are much more likely to support Clinton (52%) than Sanders (38%), while New Democrats are most in favour of the self-described socialist senator (51%) over Clinton (33%).

Hillary also seen as best president

Close to 4-in-10 Canadian voters think Hillary Clinton will make the best president of the US (38%) and she is followed by her Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders (28%). One tenth or fewer select a Republican candidate (Trump - 11%, Cruz - 5%, Kasich - 4%). Even among Canadian Conservatives, Hillary (26%) beats Donald Trump (23%), while among Liberals, Clinton (44%) and then Sanders (33%) are preferred. Bernie Sanders is preferred to Hillary among New Democrats (43% to 37%). Trump’s popularity is highest among males (17%), Clinton’s is highest among Gen X (45 to 54 - 51%) and Sanders does well among the youngest (46%).

 “Canadians see this as a race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, and they’re not willing to consider the Trump alternative. The most important thing to note in the appeal of the two Democrats is that, like in the US, the youngest support Bernie and the oldest support Hillary,” said Forum Research President, Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.

Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D. is the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416) 960-9603.