Approval highest among youngest, wealthiest, in BC
TORONTO JUNE 15th, 2014 – In a random sampling of
public opinion taken by the Forum PollTM among 1433 Canadians 18
years of age and older, fully three quarters favour physician-assisted suicide
for the terminally ill (74%), and this represents an increase since we asked
this question last year (Oct. 2013 - 65%). Opposition now is at one eighth
(16%), down from just less than a quarter (22%) last year. Support is highest
among the youngest (79%), the wealthiest (80%) and in BC (80%), New Democrats
are much more in favour (84%) than are Conservatives (59%), while Liberals are
in the middle (76%). The best educated are more in favour (post grad - 78%), as
are non-Christians (88%) and those with no religion (87%), but not evangelical
Christians (27%). Mothers with children are more likely to approve (77%), as
are Francophones (78%) than are others.

“This is
an issue where politicians and decision makers, and, quite frankly, the medical
profession, are completely out of step with the broad majority of the public.
Canadians have become used to choice, and we expect to choose our manner of
death. Nothing less will do," said Forum Research President, Dr.
Lorne Bozinoff.
Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D. is the president and
founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416) 960-9603.