Also split on runway extension
TORONTO September
8th, 2014 - In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum
Poll™ among 1069 Toronto voters, just fewer than one half approve of jets at
Billy Bishop Toronto City Centre Airport (45%) while just fewer than this are
opposed (43%). This is very comparable to our findings the last time we polled
(December, 2013 - 43% approve, 39% disapprove). One tenth do not have an
opinion now (13%). Those in favour of jets are likely to be male (54%), the
wealthiest ($100K to $250K - 50%), in North York (51%) but not so much downtown
(36%), among property owners (49%), university graduates (51%), those who
approve of Rob Ford (59%), provincial PC voters (64%), Rob Ford (61%) and John
Tory voters (50%) and those who drive to work or school (58%).

Even split on extending runways
Findings on extending runways have also stayed relatively
stable, with close to half approving (45% now, 44% in December) and just fewer
disapproving (42% now, 43% in December). The profile of those who approve the
runway extension is very similar to that of those who approve of jets.

“We've polled this
issue regularly for two years now, and the two sides appear to have achieved
something like equilibrium, with relatively equal proportions opposed and in
favour. This has changed very slightly from those in favour leading and those
opposed trailing, so it may be that the relentless publicity sought by No Jets
TO is having a small effect," said
Forum Research President, Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
Lorne Bozinoff,
Ph.D. is the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416)