Cameras Are a Winner
Mandatory voting, shopping bag ban not
so much
September 8th, 2014 - In a random sampling of public opinion taken
by the Forum Poll™ among 1069 Toronto voters, two thirds agree Toronto police
should have lapel cameras (64%), while just one seventh disagree (15%). Fully
one fifth have no opinion (20%). Approval of the idea is common to the oldest
(55+ - 70%), the wealthiest (71%), the best educated (post grad - 70%), among
provincial Liberals (71%) and John Tory voters (70%).

Two thirds disapprove of mandatory voting
thirds of Toronto voters disapprove of fine-punishable mandatory voting in
municipal elections (62%), while 3-in-10 approve (29%) and one tenth have no
opinion (9%). Support for mandatory voting, punishable by a fine, is common to
younger groups (35 to 44 - 37%) and those who drive to work or school (36%).

Narrow disagreement over bringing back bag ban
One half of
Toronto disagree with bringing back the plastic bag ban (49%), whereas 4-in-10
approve the idea (41%). One tenth have no opinion (10%). Approval of the ban is
characteristic of the oldest (65+ - 45%), the wealthiest ($100K to $250K -
48%), in the downtown (49%), the best educated (post grad - 47%), provincial
Liberals (49%) and New Democrats (46%) and Chow supporters (58%).

"Rob Ford is
right about one thing, the elites who live downtown in Toronto don't support
him, and they are the ones in favour of all these initiatives. They're better
educated and make more, they don't support Rob Ford for mayor, and most don't
vote PC provincially," said Forum
Research President, Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
Lorne Bozinoff,
Ph.D. is the president and founder of Forum Research. He can be reached at or at (416)