Toronto Press Releases & Articles

Chow is still on top in mayoral sweeps

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 882 Toronto voters, one third would vote Olivia Chow for mayor if the municipal election were held today (34%), while a quarter or just more would vote either Rob Ford (27%) or John Tory (24%).

One half want more food trucks

| Filed under: Toronto, Social Issues

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 882 randomly selected Torontonians 18 years of age and older, one half say there aren't enough food trucks in Toronto (50%), while just one tenth think there are too many (8%) and one quarter thing the number is about right (25%).

Downtown relief line seen as highest transit priority

| Filed under: Toronto

One half agree the highest transit priority for the city is the Downtown Relief Line (DRL - 48%). Just one quarter see the Scarborough subway as the higher priority (27%), while one fifth favour another project (18%) and few have no opinion (7%).

Mahoney, Crombie in tie for Mississauga Mayor

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 612 Mississauga voters, equal proportions say they will vote former MP and MPP Steve Mahoney (27%) or Councillor Bonnie Crombie (25%) for mayor if the Mississauga municipal election were held today.