National Press Releases & Articles

About Half View Tim’s image as positive, overall

| Filed under: National, Business

Toronto, April 23rd – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1585 Canadian voters, (75%) say they consider themselves a customer of Tim Horton’s, with one-quarter (25%) saying no.

Support for Scheer’s Conservatives rises

| Filed under: National

Toronto, January 31st – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1408 Canadian voters, amongst those decided and leaning, Conservative support has risen significantly and now 4 in 10 (43%) say they would support Scheer’s party if an election were held today.

Almost Half Say Smartphone Makers Not Doing Enough To Fight Addiction

| Filed under: National

Toronto, January 26th - In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1408 Canadian voters, almost half (BTM2: 45%) say they disagree that smartphone makers, such as Apple or Samsung for example, are doing enough to fight smartphone addiction, with almost a third (29%) saying they strongly disagree.

The Plurality Disapprove of Removing Sir John A. MacDonald's Name From Things

| Filed under: National

More than 4 in 10 against Toronto, January 26th - In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1408 Canadian voters, just under half (BTM2: 44%) say they disapprove of removing Sir John A. MacDonald's name from buildings or landmarks because of the policies that harmed Indigenous Canadians such as residential schools...

Half Say They Disapprove of National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia

| Filed under: National

Toronto, January 26th - In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1408 Canadian voters, half (BTM2: 49%) say they would disapprove of a national day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia, with almost 4 in 10 (39%) saying they strongly disapprove.

Liberal Support Ticks Up, But Landscape Unchanged

| Filed under: National

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1284 Canadian voters, amongst those decided and leaning, once again the Conservatives and Liberals are statistically tied in support, with the Conservatives seeing support from just under 4 in 10 (39%) and the Liberals (38%) seeing support from a similar proportion..

Almost Three Quarters Confident Charities Use Donations Responsibly

| Filed under: National

Toronto, November 9th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1281 Canadian voters, almost three quarters (TOP2: 71%) say they are confident that charities will spend donations responsibly, with a quarter (24%) saying they are very confident...

Global Warming Survey

| Filed under: National

This survey was sponsored by a client and conducted by Forum Research, with the results based on an interactive voice response telephone survey of 1281 randomly selected Canadian Voters. The poll was conducted November 4-6, 2017.

Liberal Support Still Soft

| Filed under: National

Toronto, November 9th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1281 Canadian voters, almost four in ten (38%) say that if an election were held today, they would support the Conservative Party, a similar proportion of support we saw (September 21: 39%) when last in the field...

Plurality Say Morneau Ineffective as Minister of Finance

| Filed under: National

Toronto, November 9th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1281 Canadian voters, more than 4 in 10 (BTM2: 44%) say Bill Morneau is ineffective as the Minister of Finance, with an equal proportion saying he is either somewhat ineffective (22%) or very ineffective (22%)...