Porter Airlines won the top scores for customer satisfaction among the one tenth of Canadians who had flown with them (8%).
As many as 7-in-10 approve of the Supreme Court ruling making assisted dying legal (70%).
Fully one half would vote Liberal if an election were held today (49%).
One half approve of the change in Canada’s mission in the Mideast from bombing to training foreign fighters (48%).
Close to one half approve of the Liberal government’s original plan to go into deficit for three years before balancing the budget in the final year of their mandate (48%).
More than a third favour the introduction of a guaranteed annual minimum income to replace other state supports like social assistance, unemployment and pensions (36%).
Two thirds disapprove of US presidential contender Donald Trump in total (68%).
This presentation regarding the thirteen myths concerning the 2015 federal election was presented by Dr. Lorne Bozinoff at the MRIA Ottawa Chapter on November 26, 2015
Close to half would vote for the Liberals if an election were held today (46%).
Two thirds are concerned Syrian refugees settled in Canada will create a strain on our health care and social services (63%).
Visualize the latest Toronto election poll results on our interactive map.
Jul 1, 2019 City News - Tina Yazdani from City News has some fun with our Canada Day Poll; it's a lovely day for Canadiana!
Jul 1, 2019 CTV News - Forum President Lorne Bozinoff discusses The Forum Poll that suggests most Canadians wouldn't be able to pass the Canadian Citizenship test.
Jan 30, 2019 CP24 - Forum President chats Ontario Place and potential redevelopment options with George Lagogianes Live at Noon
Nov 2, 2018 CP24 - Forum Research President Dr. Lorne Bozinoff and Movember Director Ken Aucoin discussing the first day of the campaign and the study on men's health conducted by Forum, with support from the Movember Foundation.
Mar 14, 2018 City News - City News breaks down The Forum Poll numbers in Toronto and shows a startling transformation may be coming.