National Press Releases & Articles

Almost One-Sixth Unaware of NDP Leadership Race

| Filed under: National

Toronto, September 21st – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1350 Canadian voters, almost half (48%) say they are not at all closely following the NDP Leadership campaign, while almost one-sixth (14%) say they did not know that the Federal NDP were having a leadership race.

Majority Thinks America Gets Best Result from NAFTA

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 28th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1150 Canadian voters, about half (51%) think that the United States will get the best result from the renegotiations of NAFTA. Just under two in ten (17%) say Canada will emerge with the best results, and a small proportion say (4%) it will be Mexico.

Summer is Ebbing, but the Federal Liberal Lead is Not

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 24th– In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1150 Canadian voters, amongst those decided and leaning, if an election were held today, four in ten (42%) say they would support the Liberals. More than a third (35%) say they would support the Conservatives, and just over one in ten (14%) say they would support the NDP.

Almost Half Disapprove of Reducing Blood Alcohol Limit

| Filed under: National, Social Issues

Toronto, August 23rd – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1150 Canadian voters, almost half (BTM2: 49%) disapprove of the proposal to lower the legal blood alcohol limit from 0.08 to 0.05, with more than a third (36%) saying they strongly disapprove. Just under four in ten (TOP2: 38%) approve of the proposal, with a quarter (25%) saying they strongly approve.

Canada Divided on the Monarchy

| Filed under: National, Social Issues

Toronto, August 23rd – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1150 Canadian voters, almost half of Canadians (43%) are opposed to abolishing the monarchy after the death of Queen Elizabeth, while (41%) are in favour, a statistical tie. Just over one in ten (16%) said they do not know.

More Than a Third Think Interest Rate Increase to Have Negative Impact on Their Personal Finances

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 21st – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1150 Canadian voters, almost a third (BTM2: 34%) say the increase in the Bank of Canada’s prime interest rate will have a negative impact on their finances with (22%) saying it will have at least a somewhat negative effect, and (12%) saying it will have an extremely negative effect.

Almost a Third Strongly Disapprove of Warrantless Device Searches at the Border

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 21st – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1150 Canadian voters, almost a third (30%) strongly disapprove of Canadian border officers searching devices such as laptops and cell phones at the border without a warrant, while almost half (BTM2: 46%) disapprove, overall.

Forum Most Accurate Firm in Predicting Elections

| Filed under: National

TORONTO, July 2nd, 2017 – Among all polling firms attempting to predict vote outcome, The Forum Poll proved to be the most accurate in the 2015 Federal Election and in six of the last fourteen provincial elections.

Convincingly Canadian Canada 150 Poll

| Filed under: National

Toronto, June 30th – In celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, Forum Research, using its well-known Forum Poll, conducted a survey amongst 1620 Canadian voters; respondents were asked about their thoughts on the most Canadian food and animal, as well as questions testing their knowledge of Canada’s government and territory, amongst many others.

Phoenix Pay System Problems Affect Opinion of Trudeau Government

| Filed under: National

Toronto, June 12th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1483 Canadian voters, more than half are at least somewhat familiar (55%) with the Federal Government’s Phoenix Pay System...