Fully one half now say the country is moving in “the right direction” (48%), compared to just one quarter who took that position last summer (August 2015 - 26%), and one third in January of that year (January, 2015 - 32%).
Those who will vote Conservative if an election were held today are most likely to select reality TV star Kevin O’Leary as the best choice for party leader (27%), followed closely by former serial cabinet minister Peter MacKay (23%). Somewhat fewer opt for current interim leader Rona Ambrose (16%).
Over half would vote Liberal if an election were held today (52%), while just less than 3-in-10 will vote Conservative (29%). The NDP have just one tenth of the vote (11%), while few will vote Green (3%), Bloc Quebecois (4%) or any other party (1%).
Two thirds say marijuana dispensaries should be allowed to operate in the city (64%), while just more than a quarter think they shouldn’t be allowed (28%)
One half approve of the job Gregor Robertson is doing as mayor (50%) and one half do not (50%).
The Progressive Conservatives will take more than half the vote (52%), while the NDP (21%) and the Liberals (18%) will split most of the balance.
Tim Horton’s is seen to have the best customer satisfaction among Canada’s leading coffee shops.
Just more than one half will vote Liberal if the federal election were held today (51%), while just more than a quarter will vote Conservative (28%) and about one tenth will vote NDP (12%).
One quarter say Gov. John Kasich of Ohio would make the best Republican candidate for president (24%).
Three quarters support the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Carter case which made physician-assisted dying legal in Canada, as of June, 2016 (74%).
Visualize the latest Toronto election poll results on our interactive map.
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