National Press Releases & Articles

Less support now for stiffer terrorism legislation

| Filed under: National

Just more than half now agree Canada needs stiffer anti-terrorism legislation (56%) compared to 7-in-10 who took this position in November, when the Iraqi mission was in its infancy (70%).

Federal Liberals maintain lead over Conservatives

| Filed under: National

More than a third (36%) will vote Liberal if a federal election were held today, while just one third would vote Conservative (32%).

Bill Blair knocks off Dan Harris in Scarborough Southwest if he runs as a Liberal

| Filed under: National

Almost 4-in-10 will vote for Bill Blair, Toronto’s soon-to-be-former police chief, if he runs as a Liberal in a federal election held today (39%).

Eve Adams bested by Joe Oliver in Eglinton-Lawrence

| Filed under: National

One half will vote for the incumbent, Conservative MP Joe Oliver (49%) over new Liberal recruit Eve Adams (28%) if a federal election were held in the riding today.

Federal Liberals with healthy lead

| Filed under: National

Almost 4-in-10 will vote Liberal if the election were held today (39%) compared to just less than a third who will vote Conservative (32%).

Three quarters approve of Supreme Court ruling on assisted death

| Filed under: National

More than three quarters approve of the ruling (78%) and as many as 6-in-10 approve “strongly” (60%).

Most see more air crashes this year than last

| Filed under: National

The largest group asked, about 3-in-10, said there were more air crashes this year than last year (29%), while about one fifth said there were fewer (18%).

Federal Liberals, Conservatives now tied

| Filed under: National

Equal proportions, about a third each, will vote for the Conservatives (35%) or the Liberals (34%) if a federal election were held today.

Split opinion on whether low oil prices good for economy

| Filed under: National

Just more, but a minority, think low oil prices are good for the economy (46%) than think they are bad for the economy (42%).

Support for Iraq mission remains strong

| Filed under: National

Two thirds approve of Canada’s mission to combat ISIS in Iraq (63%), and this is just slightly lower than the level noted when the mission was first proposed (November 2014 - 66%).