Press Releases & Articles

Plus de la moitié disent être familiers avec le rapport du commissaire de l’éthique concernant la situation SNC-Lavalin

| Filed under: Quebec

Toronto, le 6 septembre 2019 – Lors d’un sondage d’opinion publique de sélection aléatoire mené par The Forum Poll™ parmi 1 219 électeurs Québécois, plus de la moitié (TOP2 : 55%) disent être familiers avec le rapport du commissaire de l’éthique concernant la situation SNC-Lavalin déposé en aout 2019, avec un quart qui disent être très familiers.

CAQ lead unchanged

| Filed under: Quebec

Toronto, September 4th, 2019 – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among Québec voters, 4 in 10 (37%) say they would vote for the Liberals in a Federal election, up 7 points since July (July 29: 30%).

Manitoba Election

| Filed under: Manitoba

Toronto, September 9th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1910 Manitoba voters, amongst those decided and leaning, 43% say they will support the PCs, with 29% saying they will support the NDP.

Majority of Canadians Have Positive Opinions of Socialism, But Americans Hold a Different Opinion

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 16th, 2019 – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1733 Canadian voters, when asked about their opinions on capitalism, and socialism, the majority (TOP2: 58%) say they have a positive opinion of socialism, with nearly a fifth (18%) saying they have a very positive opinion.

Most Canadians Not Impacted by Political Ads

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 12th, 2019 – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1733 Canadian voters, two-thirds (63%) have seen a political advertisement in the past month while 4-in-10 (37%) have not.

Canadians Divided on Federal Election Winner

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 8th, 2019 – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1733 Canadian voters, (38%) say that they think the Conservatives will win the Federal election (*note this is not voter intention, but expectation of the election winner), while a similar proportion (36%) say it will be the Liberals.

Forum’s War Room Dashboard Gets Major Update and Breaks the Black Box

| Filed under: National

Forum’s Federal Election Dashboard gets a new name, the War Room, and adds major functionality including a riding “swingometer,” showing which specific ridings are in play, and which parties are projecting to steal seats…and from whom!

Majority of Canadians do not Approve of Québec Religious Symbols Law

| Filed under: National, Quebec

Toronto, July 31st, 2019 – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1733 Canadian voters, the majority (BTM2: 59%) disapprove of Québec’s government introducing a law that prevents provincial employees from wearing religious symbols, with 4 in 10 (41%) saying they strongly disapprove.

Anglophones More Worried About Their Place in Québec Than Before

| Filed under: Quebec

Toronto, July 30th, 2019 – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 977 Quebecers, the majority of anglophones (n=126)(BTM2: 81%) are more worried about their rights as an English-speaking citizen of Québec than they were 2 years ago, with half (52%) saying they are much more worried.

Environment Still A Top Issue

| Filed under: National

Toronto, August 2nd – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1733 Canadian voters, half (TOP2: 48%) think Canada is doing better, with a sixth (15%) saying Canada is doing much better. While the other half (BTM2: 52%) think Canada is doing worse, with a third (29%) saying Canada is doing much worse.