Press Releases & Articles

Plurality Think Current System of Voting A-OK

| Filed under: National

Toronto, March 8th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,340 Canadian voters, (45%) support the Federal Government’s decision to keep Canadian voting procedures the same. (38%) do not support the move, while (17%) do not know.

Liberals Losing Ground to Leaderless Conservatives

| Filed under: National

Toronto, March 9th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst 1,340 Canadian voters, the gap between the Liberals and the Conservatives amongst decided and leaning voters has shrunk to just four points.

More than Two-Thirds Oppose Government Loans to Private Companies

| Filed under: National

Toronto, March 9th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,340 Canadian voters, (68%) oppose the Federal Government offering interest free loans to private, for-profit corporations. Only (14%) approve of this practice, while (18%) don’t know.

Asylum Seekers Should Enter the Country Legally: Plurality

| Filed under: National

Toronto, March 6th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,340 Canadian voters, (44%) respond that asylum seekers who enter the country illegally should not be allowed to seek asylum in Canada. (36%) say they should be allowed, and (20%) do not know.

BC Voters Strongly in Favour of Campaign Finance Reform

| Filed under: Uncategorized

Toronto, March 3rd – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,061 British Columbia voters, the majority are strongly supportive of sweeping changes to political campaign finance rules: three quarters are in favour of disallowing corporate donations to political parties (73%), almost seven-in-ten believe unions should be disallowed to donate to political parties (68%), and (71%) believe there should be a limit on the amount private individuals should be allowed to donate to political parties.

A Quarter of Voters Say Environment Will Decide Their Vote

| Filed under: Uncategorized

Toronto, March 3rd– In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,061 British Columbia voters, the plurality (24%) say that the environment/climate change will determine their vote in the upcoming provincial election. Taxes (16%) and housing costs (15%) will also significantly motivate the ballot choice of British Columbia voters.

Two-thirds Think the Government Should Do More to Counter Opioid Addiction

| Filed under: Uncategorized

Toronto, March 3rd– In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,061 British Columbia voters, the majority (63%) say that the government should do more to counter addiction to opioids the province of which (51%) say it should do more, and (12%) say the government should do a lot more. Just over a quarter (27%) believe the government has done enough to combat opioid addiction, while (11%) say they don’t know.

Most Believe Kinder Morgan Pipeline will have a Positive Economic Effect, But a Negative Environmental One

| Filed under: Uncategorized

Toronto, March 3rd – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,061 British Columbia voters, the plurality believes the pipeline expansion will have a positive economic effect (43%), with (25%) saying it will have a negative effect, and (21%) believing its effect will be neutral. A further (12%) did not have an opinion.

Majority find Premier’s Supplemented Salary Inappropriate

| Filed under: Uncategorized

Toronto, March 3rd – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,061 British Columbia voters, the majority (69%) find the fact that the premier’s salary is supplemented by political donations provided by the Liberal Party inappropriate. Only (17%) consider the practice appropriate, while (14%) respond they don’t know.

Progressive Conservatives Tracking Toward Super Majority

| Filed under: Ontario

Toronto, February 21st – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,120 Ontario voters, amongst decided and leaning voters, the Progressive Conservatives have extended nearly a twenty-point lead over their nearest rival in the province. If an election were held today the PCs would get (44%), the NDP (25%), the Liberals (24%), and Green (6%).