Press Releases & Articles

Tory-Ford gap widens to 14 points

| Filed under: Toronto

More than 4-in-10 of them who are absolutely certain to vote or have voted already support John Tory for mayor (43%), in comparison to less than 3-in-10 who favour Dog Ford (29%).

Eisenberger maintains solid lead for mayor

| Filed under: Ontario

Just more than one third of those decided and leaning will vote for Fred Eisenberger (37%), compared to about one quarter or fewer who will vote either for Brad Clark (25%) or Brian McHattie (22%).

Crombie vaults into the lead in Mississauga

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 769 Mississauga voters, more than half will now vote for councillor Bonnie Crombie (56%), compared to just 3-in-10 who will vote for her principal opponent, Steve Mahoney (31%).

Jeffrey leads in Brampton

| Filed under: Ontario

Just more than 4-in-10 will vote for Linda Jeffrey for mayor (42%), compared to more than a quarter who will vote for John Sanderson (27%).

Ford-Tory gap widens

| Filed under: Toronto

4-in-10 will vote John Tory if the city's mayoral election were held today (39%) a proportion which has stayed stable since last week (October 6 - 39%). During this period, the proportion voting Doug Ford has decreased from close to 4-in-10 (37%) to one third now (33%), and a 2 point gap has widened threefold to 6 points.

Jobs and Economy are Most Important in London

| Filed under: Ontario

Both jobs and the economy (30%) and ethics and transparency at city hall (26%) are seen to be important issues in the London mayoral election, followed by low taxes (17%), managing city growth (11%) and downtown revitalization (5%).

Paul Cheng closes gap on Matt Brown in mayor's race

| Filed under: Ontario

Just more than one third of London voters will vote for Matt Brown for mayor (35%) compared to more than a quarter who will vote Paul Cheng (27%). This stands in contrast to last month, when Brown's lead was wider (September 4, Brown - 32%, Cheng - 19%)

Half London are hockey fans, most of them Knights fans

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 782 adults resident in London, Ontario, just less than half are NHL hockey fans (47%), and, of these, the vast majority are also London Knights fans (90% of NHL fans, or 42% of total London adults).

ON Issues: Nuclear Waste disposal and Wind Farms

| Filed under: Ontario

Six-in-ten voters disapprove of the plan to bury low level nuclear waste at the Bruce Power site in Kincardine (61%), and just one fifth approve (19%). More than one half of Ontario voters approve of wind farms in rural areas (56%), while 3-in-10 disapprove (31%)

Burch with slim lead for mayor in St. Catharines

| Filed under: Ontario

Just less than a quarter say they will vote for Jeff Burch for mayor in the municipal election of October 27.