Press Releases & Articles

Split Opinion on Bear Hunt and Catholic School funding

| Filed under: Toronto

Just less than one half disagree with Catholic schools receiving public funding in the province (48%), while just fewer agree that they should continue to do so (45%). Very few do not have an opinion on this volatile issue (7%).

One half of Canadians are NHL fans

| Filed under: National

Just more than one half (53%) are NHL hockey fans, which may represent as many as 14 million fans across the country.

A Discussion on Survey Weights

| Filed under: National, Ontario, Toronto

There has been much discussion over the Forum Poll’s recent Toronto mayoral poll which showed Doug Ford closing the gap on John Tory. To respond to this discussion a brief examination on the statistical methods of survey weighting is required.

Doug Ford surges, Tory falters

| Filed under: Toronto

Just fewer than 4-in-10 will vote for John Tory for mayor (39%) or for Doug Ford (37%) which means these two candidates are essentially tied at this sample size. This stands in stark contrast to last week's findings (Sept. 29 - Tory 43%, Ford 33%), when the candidates were 10 points apart.

Liberal lead tightens again as nation goes to war

| Filed under: National

Close to 4-in-10 will vote Liberal if the federal election were held today (38%), compared to just more than a third who will vote Conservative (34%).

Liberals, PCs tied in Ontario

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1079 Ontario voters, almost equal proportions, just more than one third each, will vote for the Liberals (36%) or the PCs (34%) if the provincial election were held today.

Strong opposition to selling Lotto to private sector

| Filed under: Ontario, Social Issues

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1079 Ontario voters, just less than one half disagree with Catholic schools receiving public funding in the province (48%), while just fewer agree that they should continue to do so (45%).

Mahoney pulling away from Crombie in Mississauga

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum PollTM among 557 Mississauga voters, just slightly more will vote for Steve Mahoney for mayor in the municipal election of October 27 (40%) than will vote for Bonnie Crombie (36%).

Majority want Fennell charged in Brampton expenses scandal

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 928 Brampton voters, more than half think Mayor Fennell should be charged with a crime in the expenses scandal (55%), while half this proportion think otherwise (28%) and somewhat fewer don't have an opinion (17%).

John Tory stretches lead

| Filed under: Toronto

Among 1167 decided and leaning Toronto voters, more than 4-in-10 will vote John Tory for mayor if the municipal election were held today (43%) while one third will vote for Doug Ford (33%). One fifth will vote Olivia Chow (20%) and very few will vote for another candidate (3%).