One third will vote Progressive Conservative if the election were held today (34%, down from 39% last month), while fewer than 3-in-10 will vote Liberal (29%).
Almost three quarters (72%) approve of the job John Tory is doing as mayor.
4-in-10 would like to see the aging Scarborough Rapid Transit line turned into an elevated urban park (like New York City’s High Line Park - 39%).
One half agree with the proposition that it is impossible to complete large public projects in Toronto on time and on budget (48%).
3-in 10 have used pedestrian scrambles as a pedestrian (31%), just fewer have used them as a motorist (26%) and fewer than a fifth have used them from both sides of the windshield (17%).
The majority, close to 6-in-10, think Toronto should follow Mississauga’s lead and start licensing, zoning and regulating medical marijuana production facilities (59%).
The majority approve of the retail and housing development proposed for the Honest Ed’s site at Bloor and Bathurst (57%).
One half have flown in or out only from Pearson International in the past year (52%), one tenth have flown only in and out of Billy Bishop City Centre Airport (9%) and about one tenth have flown from both (13%).
The plurality, more than 4-in-10, agree there should be a second NHL team in Toronto (43%).
Just more than half now agree Canada needs stiffer anti-terrorism legislation (56%) compared to 7-in-10 who took this position in November, when the Iraqi mission was in its infancy (70%).
Visualize the latest Toronto election poll results on our interactive map.
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