Press Releases & Articles

Canadians Believe Social Media is Fake

| Filed under: National

Toronto, June 25th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1619 Canadians, one-fifth of respondents (21%) don’t use social media at all, one-fifth of respondents (21%) use it less than thirty minutes a day, one-fifth (20%) use it more than thirty minutes but less than an hour, one fifth (20%) use it between one hour and two hours, one-tenth (9%) use it more than two hours but less than three, and another tenth (10%) use it 3 hours or more

Conservatives Maintain Lead

| Filed under: National

Toronto, June 24th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1539 Canadian voters, amongst those decided and leaning, a third (35%) say they would support the Conservatives if an election were held today, unchanged from the beginning of the month (June 1st: 34%).

8 in 10 Agree: Climate Change is a Big Problem For TO

| Filed under: Toronto

Toronto, June 10th, 2019 - In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1157 Toronto voters, 8 in 10 (TOP2: 81%) agree that climate change is a serious problem for Toronto, with almost two-thirds (59%) saying they agree strongly.

Torontonians Spend More Time Commuting Now Than Six Years Ago

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1157 Toronto voters, commute times are up an average of almost 8% since 2013, with an average commute of 42 minutes, up from 39 minutes in 2013.

Most Quebeckers support Quebec’s immigration policy

| Filed under: Quebec

Toronto, June 14th – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1471 Quebec voters, 4-in-10 (39%) want to keep the number of immigrants the same, one-third (32%) want to allow fewer immigrants, and one-quarter (25%) want to allow more immigrants.

Majority would approve if the Expos Returned to Montreal

| Filed under: Quebec

Toronto, June 14th, 2019 - In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1471 randomly selected Québec voters, 6-in-10 (59%) would approve if the Expos returned to Montreal.

Liberals lead in Québec

| Filed under: National, Quebec

Toronto, June 14th, 2019 – In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1471 Québec voters 18 or older, a third (32%) say they would vote for the Liberals if a federal election were held today.

Les libéraux mènent au Québec

| Filed under: National, Quebec

Toronto, le 14 juin 2019 – Lors d’un sondage d'opinion publique mené par le Forum Poll ™ auprès de 1 471 électeurs québécois âgés de 18 ans et plus, un tiers (32%) ont déclaré qu'ils voteraient pour les libéraux si des élections fédérales avaient lieu aujourd'hui.

La majorité des Montréalais appuient le retour des Expos

| Filed under: Quebec

Toronto le 14 juin 2019 – Lors d’un sondage d'opinion publique mené par Forum Poll ™ auprès de 1 471 électeurs québécois sélectionnés au hasard, 6 sur 10 (59%) approuveraient le retour des Expos à Montréal.

La majorité des Québécois en faveur du soutien a l’aide médicale pour mourir pour les maladies comme l’Alzheimer’s

| Filed under: Quebec

Toronto, le 14 juin 2019 – Lors d’un sondage d’opinion publique effectué par Forum Poll ™ auprès de 1 471 électeurs québécois, la majorité (70%) appuient complètement l’élargissement de l’aide médicale à mourir pour les personnes atteintes de maladies comme l’Alzheimer. Un cinquième (18%) n’appuient qu’un peu, et très peu disent qu’ils n’appuient pas vraiment (6%) ou pas du tout (5%).