Press Releases & Articles

Incumbents safe in 2 of 3 wards

| Filed under: Toronto

In a series of random samplings of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ in selected Toronto wards, two of the three incumbents tested were relatively safe in their wards, while both the high profile newcomers were in the lead in wards where there was no incumbent.

Lapel Cameras are a Winner

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1069 Toronto voters, two thirds agree Toronto police should have lapel cameras (64%), while just one seventh disagree (15%).

LRT Preferred to Subway for Scarborough

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1069 Toronto voters, one half say they prefer a 7 stop LRT in Scarborough (51%) to a 3 stop subway (40%).

Even Split on Jets at Billy Bishop

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1069 Toronto voters, just fewer than one half approve of jets at Billy Bishop Toronto City Centre Airport (45%) while just fewer than this are opposed (43%).

Tory Opens 12 Point Lead in Toronto

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1069 Toronto voters, 4-in-10 will vote John Tory (40%), while fewer than 3-in-10 will vote Rob Ford (28%).

Liberal lead tightens further

| Filed under: National

4-in-10 will vote for the Liberals if the election were held today (40%), stable from the same proportion who said this last month (August 20 - 41%). The Conservatives attract the vote of one third (34%) and this is a very slight increase from last month (32%).

Jobs and growth most important issue in campaign

| Filed under: National

Jobs and growth is the most important issue in this campaign (38%), followed by about half this proportion for keeping taxes low (20%) and integrity and transparency at city hall (19%).

Matt Brown with highest approval

| Filed under: National

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 737 London, Ontario voters, among the three quarters who are aware of him (74%), Matt Brown has approval from 7-in-10 (70%).

Majority approve of Iraq deployment

| Filed under: National

The majority (54%) approve of Prime Minister Harper's decision to send about 100 Canadian troops to Iraq to act as advisors in the conflict with ISIS. Four-in-ten disapprove (40%) and few don't have an opinion (7%).

Bundled Programming Preferred to ' Pick and Pay'

| Filed under: National, Social Issues

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1202 cable subscribers across Canada, one half prefer the current model of cable TV pricing, where channels are sold in 'bundles' (48%), while one third prefer a model similar to the CRTC's proposed 'Pick and Pay' system (33%).