Press Releases & Articles

Two thirds approve of ‘kids ride free’

| Filed under: Toronto

Two thirds approve of the policy of offering free TTC rides to children 12 and under (64%), 3-in-10 disapprove (31%) and very few have no opinion (5%).

One third think Gardiner unsafe to use

| Filed under: Toronto

One third think the Gardiner Expressway is not safe to use (34%)

Tory’s approval remains high

| Filed under: Toronto

7-in-10 approve of the job John Tory is doing as mayor (71%), stable since the last time we polled (March 15 - 72%).

1-in-6 have been victims of violent crime

| Filed under: Toronto

As many as one-in-six Torontonians have been the victims of violent crime such as assault, a mugging or a robbery at gun point (15%), and this is just slightly down from close to one fifth noted in August, 2012 (18%).

Uber usage up

| Filed under: Toronto

Close to one fifth have used the Uber ride-sharing app (17%), up from about one tenth in November of last year, when Uber first started operating in the city (12%).

Three parties tied in Alberta

| Filed under: National

Almost exactly equal proportions, about 3-in-10, will vote for the Wildrose Party (30%), the New Democrats (28%) or the PCs (27%) in the election scheduled for May 5.

Support for Bill C51 waning

| Filed under: National

Just one half agree Canada needs new, stiffer anti-terror legislation (51%).

Minority support Iraq mission

| Filed under: National

Just 4-in-10 express approval for our mission in Iraq (39%), while disapproval is common to almost half (48%).

Federal Liberals, Conservatives almost tied

| Filed under: National

One third or just fewer will vote either for the Conservatives (31%) or the Liberals (34%) if a federal election were held today.

Two thirds favour beer and wine in grocery stores

| Filed under: Ontario

Two thirds approved of the plan to sell beer and wine in grocery stores (64%), while 3-in-10 disapprove (30%).