Press Releases & Articles

Gap narrows between Liberals and Conservatives

| Filed under: National

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,332 Canadian voters, the gap between the Liberals and Conservatives, measured at eight points last month, shrunk to just six points today.

O'Leary Holds Commanding Lead In Conservative Leadership Contest

| Filed under: National

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ among 1,332 Canadian voters, Kevin O'Leary is the preferred candidate to lead the Conservative Party (27%).

Muslims the Target of Most Racial Bias

| Filed under: National, Social Issues

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1304 Canadian adults, 4-in-10 express some level of bias, or unfavourable feelings, against identifiable racial groups (41%), and the one group most like to be a target is Muslims (28% unfavourable feelings, 54% favourable feelings).

Chong Favoured in Conservative Leadership Contest

| Filed under: National

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll among 1304 Canadian voters, Michael Chong leads preference for a Conservative leader among the general public (10%), followed by Lisa Raitt (8%), Kellie Leitch (7%), Chris Alexander (6%) and Maxime Bernier (5%) and Steve Blaney (5%).

Major Reset in Federal Vote Share

| Filed under: National, Social Issues

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1304 Canadian voters, the gap between the Liberals and the Conservatives, measured at 23 points last month on the day after Donald Trump’s election, narrowed to just 8 points today.

Opinion Split on Tolls for Gardiner, DVP

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 730 Toronto voters the evening after Mayor John Tory announced his support for tolling the Gardiner Expressway and the Don Valley Parkway to pay for transit projects, there is an exactly even split in opinion on the idea. Just fewer than a half approve (46%) and the same proportion disapprove (45%).

Two Thirds See Toronto’s Homeless Problem as Severe

| Filed under: Toronto

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1086 Toronto voters, two thirds describe Toronto’s homelessness problem as severe (67%) and as many as one quarter describe it as “very severe” (26%).

Voters Favour Wind Farms, Offshore and on Land

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1184 Ontario voters, one half favour rural wind farms (54%) and a similar proportion favour offshore wind farms (52%).

PCs Continue to Lead Strongly in Ontario

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1184 Ontario voters, the plurality, more than 4-in-10, will vote for the Progressive Conservatives if a provincial election were held today (43%), while just one quarter would vote either for the Liberals or the NDP (24% each).

Relatively Little Enthusiasm For PPPs

| Filed under: Ontario

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1184 Ontario voters, the slim plurality (39%) approves of Public-Private Partnerships, or PPPs or P3s, while as many as one quarter disapprove (24%).