Press Releases & Articles

One half agree Wynne is involved in e-mail scandal

| Filed under: Ontario

One half agree Premier Kathleen Wynne had a role in erasing the gas plant e-mails (49%).

High approval for Watson, very high approval for Bordeleau

| Filed under: Ontario

Three quarters approve of the job Jim Watson is doing as mayor (73%).

Majority approve of legal marijuana

| Filed under: Ontario, Social Issues

Close to 6-in-10 approve of legalized marijuana or cannabis (56%) and this is similar to national rates of approval noted recently (November 4, national sample - 59%).

Thirteen Myths Concerning the 2015 Federal Election

| Filed under: National

This presentation regarding the thirteen myths concerning the 2015 federal election was presented by Dr. Lorne Bozinoff at the MRIA Ottawa Chapter on November 26, 2015

Trudeau's approval remains high

| Filed under: National

Close to half would vote for the Liberals if an election were held today (46%).

Two thirds concerned refugees will burden health, social system

| Filed under: National

Two thirds are concerned Syrian refugees settled in Canada will create a strain on our health care and social services (63%).

One fifth use marijuana now

| Filed under: National, Social Issues

One fifth have used marijuana or cannabis in the past year (19%) and one quarter will use it in the future once it is legal (24%).

Majority concerned refugees will get preferential immigration treatment

| Filed under: National

More than half are concerned Syrian refugees invited to Canada will get preferential treatment in the immigration queue (54%), and one third are “very” concerned (34%).

Canadians ambivalent on impact of Syrian refugees

| Filed under: National

Almost exactly equal proportions believe the Syrian refugees due to arrive in Canada will have a positive impact on the country (34%), will NOT have a positive impact (34%) or have no opinion on the question (32%).

Canada has enough problems without refugees, say those opposed

| Filed under: National

One half are opposed because “we have enough problems in this country already” (49%), while about one third each oppose the plan because “refugees are a terrorist threat” (39%) or because they object to the cost of the exercise (35%).